Friday, April 1, 2011

KCK EPA offices to clear the air

Federal workers in downtown Kansas City, Kansas, are not just wondering these days if they are going to be furloughed but if they are going to have to drive to the golden ghetto for work. The regional headquarters for the Environmental Protection Agency may be leaving beautiful downtown Kansas City, Kansas, for a deluxe apartment in the sky-Johnson County. Of course Mayor Reardon is crying fowl.

The building is Eco friendly. It costs a lot of money to relocate over 600 employees and with the budget situation in Washington, is this really going to fly? Mayor Reardon said "There is an executive order, signed by Jimmy Carter, that says the GSA ought to locate buildings in the central downtown district because of the positive economic developments they can bring." I say, "Have you been in downtown Kansas City, Kansas?" The only economic development in downtown Kansas City, Kansas, is boarded up buildings and homes. The only economic development in KCK is clear out by the speedway.

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